If you are 16 years and older and need help with your mental health and/or addictions recovery, we can help connect you to numerous services and housing supports within your community.

Streamlined Access is a referral service that connects individuals, 16 years of age and older, who are dealing with a mental health, and/or addiction issue, and/or dual diagnosis, and are living in York Region or South Simcoe to mental health, addiction, and dual diagnosis services within their community.

Streamlined Access is a partnership made up of YSSN, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)—York and South SimcoeLOFT Crosslinks Housing and Support ServicesAddiction Services Central Ontario, Krasman Centre, and Southlake Regional Health Centre (SRHC). We have been established to process applications and provide access to a number of mental health and supportive housing programs through one streamlined application process.

Funding for Streamlined Access is provided by Ontario Health.

Call: 289-340-0348 or toll free 1-844-660-6602

Fax:  905-898-6457

We are open Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

There are no fees for our services.