Respite for Families

YSSN hosts two services for families:

  1. Respite Access Facilitator
    A facilitator (worker) works with adults and their families to identify their respite needs, develops plans, and find the resources that are right for them.
  2. CHAP Program (Community Helpers for Active Participation):
    CHAP Program maintains a respite worker registry to assist families in hiring staff.

Why register with the CHAP Program?

  • Connectibility: Families can connect easily with respite workers either to work in the home and/or enable individuals to participate in community based respite opportunities
  • Flexibility & Independence:  Once registered, families can access CHAP workers as much or as little as needed.  Families receive and review the profiles of workers and independently negotiate with and hire a worker who best suits their needs

Who can register?

  • Families and caregivers of individuals with disabilities; includes children with a developmental or physical disability or autism and adults with a developmental disability or autism, determined eligible through Developmental Services Ontario
  • Agencies who wish to seek a CHAP worker for an individual with a disability

How to register?

  1. Online:
    It’s fast, it’s safe, and it’s secure!  Preferred!
  2. Paper:
    If you don’t have internet access, we will accept paper registrations by fax or mail

How are CHAP workers screened?

CHAP workers have a range of skills and expertise.  Before being added to the CHAP Program registry, workers must meet a number of minimum criteria and submit documentation including:

  • an intake interview
  • a valid Police Check/Vulnerable Sector Screening
  • two references
  • resume
  • orientation training

Are CHAP workers employees of

CHAP workers are not employees of  They are self-employed, independent contractor respite workers, who are paid by the families/caregivers who hire them.

If you are interested in becoming a CHAP respite provider see more information here.